Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Shoestring Book Publicity Blog Goals

I plan to use this blog for a number of reasons:

1. Have one convenient place to log book publicity articles and ideas rather than filling up "my favorites" folder with anymore "read this" "read this first", or "read this later" links. I can title each submission, and use the ideas as time allows.

2. To jot down all the book marketing and publicity efforts I do so I can track (with time & dates) which methods works best. My binders and marketing notebooks are getting pretty messy too. Since I plan on utilizing the internet and WWW as much as possible to publicize my book, it's another covenience for me as well.

3. (The most important) To build a forum for other self-published or small press published authors to post comments, ideas & share their successes and failures. Why reinvent the cycle or let anyone waste their time and money?

4. (Closest to my heart) To find the best means of publicizing my upcoming book, Empowering Women to Power Network, on a shoestring budget. After experiencing a horrible car accident 8 months ago, our family of five is down to one-income. I had no idea how much time and costs are invested in one's pre-publication book publicity.

Read this article, How Much to Invest in Your Book and What It Means to Your Workload, right now.

Empowered to share my words with the world, I'm penny-less to get it to the masses on the publication date. While I have some time, it's also limited to my physical and mental capabilities as well. I vow to be patient, ingenious, and optimistic, and I know this blog will aid in my endeavors.

5. (Creating a PAPub) For my fellow PA authors, I want to make this blog a real-time marketing tool for all of our creative words to be seen by the world. Please comment as often as possible, share your books, post your websites, and let's have fun publicizing our books together.

To our empowerment & success,


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